Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tessatina Peony Card

Hi Classy friends!  It's Holly posting today and I've got a funky floral card to share with you.

That's quite a bit different from my usual style of cards, right?  I wanted to explore having a brief touch of stenciling behind a focal image, so I started by very lightly sponging some gray ink over the Texture Tessatina stencil onto some white cardstock.  I started it in the lower right quadrant and let it fade out from there.  I love the effect, and I plan to explore this some more.

Next, I cut two strips of paper from the Vintage Bliss 6"x6" paper pad (LOVE that paper pad!!) and adhered them to my stenciled background.  I then set this aside while I worked on my flower.

I dabbed some Squeezed Lemonade Distress Stain and some Peacock Feathers Distress Stain onto a nonstick craft mat, and dragged some white cardstock through the stains. Once this dried, I cut it out with the Lovely Peony Background die. I paired this with the Lovely Peony Outline die cut from black cardstock and then I glued this flower down onto the paper strips on my stenciled background.

For a touch of whimsy, I curled the opposite corner and then I glued this piece down onto a black card base.  It needed a little something more, so I looked through my bling and this Pink Rhinestone Swirl jumped out at me.  I cut a section of the swirl out from the package and then applied it between the curled corner and the flower.

I am in love with the fade-out stencil effect that I created on this card.  I do have some more stencils on order, so it's going to be fun to play around with these!  I hope you've had a chance to try the stencils in the shop. There are so many great ways to use them in your creations!

Love how the card just pops color all over! Thanks Holly!

Click any of the gold links above for more info or to purchase any of the products used.

If you like Holly's card, please share it on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram...anywhere your crafty friends can be found!   The icons below my signature make it easy to share.

Thanks for stopping by!!! Until next time...


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